In the last days before the codeine upschedule, it’s time to look at how we manage acute pain, writes Ben Basger What do you think about codeine? Are we going …

Pharmacists can help patients stick to their New Year’s Resolutions… but it’s not easy, writes Ben Basger With a new year upon us, it is interesting to reflect upon the …

Weight loss is an uphill battle, which is why a few helpful pieces of advice can matter, writes Ben Basger Here are six reasons why weight management is so hard: the …

PPI use is increasing, writes Ben Basger—but what is its role long term? Do you think that when doctors decide to block the production of stomach acid by using a …

How can pharmacists provide real help to the “worried well”? wonders Ben Basger Are people who have symptoms for which there is no obvious cause treated with medicines? You bet! …

Here are a few thoughts on optimising lung health, writes Ben Basger We know that cognitive and physical impairment (such as manual dexterity, visual issues and the inspiratory force able …

Mental health issues often don’t occur in isolation, writes Ben Basger There are challenges when dealing with mental health patients. Responses from such patients may differ from other types of …

How can pharmacists help prevent stroke? writes Ben Basger About 50, 000 Australians have a stroke (cerebrovascular accident or CVA) per year. Factors that increase the risk of stroke are …

Here are 14 reasons why doctors may inappropriately prescribe antibiotics, writes Ben Basger Australians are amongst the highest users of antibiotics in the developed world, with approximately one antibiotic prescription …

Is it always best practice to reduce blood pressure? writes Ben Basger The decision to treat someone for hypertension should be based on their cardiovascular risk ─ that is, the …

Ben Basger presents 10 points to consider on Parkinson’s Disease… Parkinson’s disease is much more than a movement disorder! Dopamine loss in the substantia nigra, which serves to modify motor …

Pharmacists can help identify patients at risk of serious injury from falls, writes Ben Basger Falls may result in serious injury. For example, 12 months after a hip fracture in …