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Business Class

They’re omnipresent in today’s smartphone-enabled world, but how useful is the humble app in day-to-day pharmacy life? It is increasingly hard to live a modern life without regular recourse to …

Should you think differently about rostering to support a forward pharmacy service model? Glenn Guilfoyle thinks so   Its 5pm Friday afternoon.  Betty is just about to knock off for …

The average cost of dispensing medicines may be higher than most pharmacists think, and this imperils business sustainability in the current climate, Bruce Annabel believes  During the past five years …

Never before has there been so much competition, price sensitivity or low levels of customer loyalty, says Linda Miller Now is a time of both danger and opportunity. For the …

Peter Feros asks if you can imagine your professional future looking so bleak that driving for Uber was a more viable option than practising as a pharmacist? That’s exactly what …

Is there anything we can do to arrest the relative decline in pharmacy pay rates, asks Peter Feros In the first part of this 2-part series, Peter Feros discussed how …

A diminishing pharmacy workforce has been an unintended consequence of weighted average price disclosure, writes Peter Feros Government coffers have swollen by billions of pharmacy rebate dollars via the Weighted …

Is it possible to increase your revenue by 5% by June 30? Linda Miller explains how Most community pharmacies are fighting competition and dropping profitability in the dispensary, even for …

You need to get right 8 fundamental steps if you’re to successfully change your pharmacy, says Glenn Guilfoyle Conversations on refocusing pharmacists from rear technical processing roles to forward customer …

Pharmacy owners who are anxious, overworked and ill equipped to plan and take control of their business are not alone, says Linda Miller Christmas trading often forces planning to the …

Different indicators give a varied picture of pharmacy customer experience, so which one is right? asks Glenn Guilfoyle  A recent edition of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s newsletter Forefront featured …

What are the top five inexpensive and fast acting initiatives available to offset the impact of PBS cuts?  Price disclosure is a continuous PBS cost shaving process. It requires pharmacy …