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Business Class

What were our ten best read business columns for 2021? It’s been a couple of years of turmoil and uncertainty, and this is true for the business side of pharmacy …

How does the new Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2021 affect community pharmacy? Emi Gosling explains The TGAC 2021 will come into effect on 1 January 2022, with a transition period …

Community pharmacy continues to ignore the warning signs of an impending upheaval at its peril Pliny the Younger’s letters didn’t mention the earthquakes that preceded the eruption of Mount Vesuvius …

Participation in the COVID-19 vax program created workflow issues for many pharmacies. Jenny Blair from The Next Level says the forward pharmacy model is a solution to the problem As …

Mentoring and encouraging the next generation of pharmacists is essential if we’re to bring along the next wave of owners, says John Thornett We have often said that your team …

Are pharmacies fanning the flames of disaster by their poor planning around managing their business margin? Diners at the Plaza Hotel in New York were given reason to pause over …

Webstercare founder Gerard Stevens describes how a Japanese business process concept helps boost outcomes from systems and processes “Work smarter not harder,” “Quality, not quantity.” We’ve all heard these refrains. …

Artificial intelligence in the pharmacy is not the way of the future—it’s here now Hearing the term ‘artificial intelligence’ (or ‘AI’) may conjure up an array of Hollywood images—Skynet in …

Stephanie McGrath takes an updated look at everything pharmacists need to know Further to my article on 12 April 2021, there have been more developments in this space. The …

Wesfarmers the front runners but Sigma still in the running as takeover battle rumbles on When Wesfarmers bought W.H.Soul Pattinson’s 19.3% share of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API) in the first …

Pharmacies have found themselves in unpredictable waters over the past couple of years. Those who have navigated them most effectively have mostly followed a similar path to success Australian triple …

Survey reveals there is strong buyer demand and growing availability of pharmacies on the pharmacy market The results of a new market sentiment survey indicate there is “very strong buyer …