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Let us know if you do—and why or why not—in this anonymous poll You’ve probably seen the stories about pharmacists stocking complementary and alternative medicines plastered all over the news …

People can now purchase vitamins, perfumes, medicines, soft drink and more from vending machines in Melbourne A group called Vitamin Warehouse has installed several vending machines in a shopfront on Fitzroy Street …

Will you keep using MedsASSIST now that codeine is to go S4? Just before Christmas last year, the TGA finally made its long-awaited pronouncement on the future of codeine-containing OTCs. …

Low wages, lack of jobs, lack of recognition, discounters … what concerns you the most? There are always pressures in pharmacy, whether financial, professional or personal. We’ve heard about concerns …

Following Sussan Ley’s resignation as Health Minister, it’s expected that her replacement will be announced early this week. To date the frontrunner appears to be Senator Arthur Sinodinos, who is …

Do you hope to move into a different role, get a raise or leave the profession in 2017? We want to know what your plans are as a pharmacy professional …

We want to know what you think about the decision to upschedule codeine… have your say here Over-the-counter medicines containing codeine will be upscheduled from 1 February 2018, the TGA announced …

We want to know if customers are harder to deal with during the holiday season Almost half of retail workers report experiencing customer violence or abuse in the workplace, says the …

Do you recommend Vitamin D supplements to patients? Last week, AJP took a look at the issue of Vitamin D supplements and the case for and against them. This month …

Are you getting the breaks you need in the workplace? Earlier this week, PPA reminded employee pharmacists that it is illegal to force pharmacists to routinely work through lunch breaks, unless …

A few days ago, prominent GP and pharmacy critic Dr Edwin Kruys again took issue with pharmacy vaccination. In his Doctor’s Bag blog, he wrote that the claims from the …

The idea of GPs dispensing medicines has again arisen in the RACGP’s submission to the King Review The College’s submission states that incentives to pharmacy to provide access to after-hours …