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60-day dispensing

Pharmacy has been delivered a massive blow with 60-day dispensing, however there were some minor wins in the federal budget. Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies looks at the key points   …

Everyone in the community pharmacy sector must take every opportunity to speak out about the double dispensing decision, says John Thornett For 26 years, I have been a Chartered Accountant …

A regional mayor has pledged to personally take rural pharmacy owners’ concerns about 60-day dispensing to “senior government ministers”, in a bid to have the measure scrapped   Alliance of Western …

Taxpayers could secure greater savings through 90-day dispensing, Health Minister says  Plans to introduce 60-day dispensing will still leave Australia lagging behind other countries, Mark Butler, the Minister for Health …

An AJP reader pleads for the federal government to take account of the impact of 60-day dispensing on the profitability of pharmacies and the well-being of pharmacists   An AJP reader …

May’s federal Budget will provide answers to several questions relating to the pharmacy sector, Mark Butler, the Minister for Health and Aged Care says  Speaking during a doorstop interview at …

Doctors’ group calls for non-pharmacist ownership, and alleges political interference related to 60-day dispensing, in submission to review The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has again called for the abolishment of …

As GPs and hospitals come under increasing pressure from COVID-19, it “just makes sense” for pharmacists to do more, says Guild… but RACGP labels it a “cynical ploy” Pharmacists should …

As face masks and hand sanitisers sell out across the country, health authorities are calling for calm about Coronavirus this week, while pharmacists were honoured over the long weekend  A …

60-day dispensing will in some cases more than halve pharmacy remuneration and “incapacitate” rural pharmacies, says rural pharmacy group Concern is growing among rural pharmacists about the potential impacts of …