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Australia has been touted as the ‘world’s allergy capital’ due to its high rates of allergies and anaphylaxis, and healthcare professionals say the number of cases continues to rise Allergies …

The concept of how we manage allergic rhinitis in the community is shifting, thanks to a growing understanding of patients’ perceptions and behaviour regarding treatment Allergic rhinitis is a common …

The number of Australians taking cold, flu and allergy medication has risen by almost 3 million in a decade While the rate of Australians’ overall medication consumption has risen only …

Don’t just let patients self-select a swallowed antihistamine… an intervention could really help, writes Ben Basger There is an interesting table in the Australian Medicines Handbook that lists the symptoms …

Newer, less sedating forms can be safely taken long term with no loss of efficacy, according to latest evidence In a new article for Australian Prescriber, immunology experts have concluded …

Pharmacists have been reminded that first-generation oral sedating antihistamines are not approved for use in kids under two Following a coronial hearing of a fatal case involving a 74-day-old infant …