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2017 PDL Directors Election for the State of New South Wales This year voting will be required to elect one (1) Director for the State of New South Wales (with …

The Pharmacy Guild has extended its election period after the Australian Electoral Commission decided to expand eligibility to vote Honorary Life Members, who are not otherwise eligible for membership (i.e. …

Contenders state their case in hard-fought Guild office bearer election lead-up The 2017 NSW Guild elections have again proven to be competitive, at times intensely so. The first round of …

NSW Guild election hots up as voting deadline approaches Things are set to come to a head in the hotly contested elections for the branch committee of the Pharmacy Guild …

Here’s what our readers are saying about the key issues in pharmacy: Chaos reigns A minority LNP government, with Katter and Xenophon holding the balance of power is a dream …

Election 2016 leaves pharmacy in a state of flux As Australia faces a hung Parliament and years of political deals and recriminations, community pharmacy confronts potentially months of delay on …

Consumer body finds Labor scores best, but is disappointed no party has taken up the call for a single PBS/MBS safety net This week the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) released …

Meet the pharmacists aiming for Federal Parliament next month A trio of pharmacists are currently aiming for election to Federal Parliament on 2 July. The pharmacists, representing a diversity of …

Pressure from Labor has forced the Coalition to abandon plans to outsource payment system Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has bowed to pressure from the Labor Party, announcing the government has …

But deregulation is still on the CHF agenda The Consumers Health Forum has outlined its election stance on pharmacists’ role in primary health In addition to their call for a …

Five initiatives to increase the professional role of pharmacists In its 2016 Election Manifesto, the PSA has set out its key agenda items for the future of community pharmacy and …