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Emma McBride

Pharmacists’ remuneration should reflect their training and expertise, says pharmacist and MP Emma McBride Pharmacists are highly trained, capable people and their remuneration needs to reflect this, says Emma McBride, …

Is leadership in the profession male, pale and stale? This all-female panel shared their experiences in pharmacy At PSA17 conference during the last week of July, Dr Alison Roberts facilitated …

Pharmacist and member for Dobell Emma McBride is urging Australians to ensure their vaccinations are up to date Ms McBride visited Blooms the Chemist Wyong on the weekend to have …

Pharmacy heard a range of positive messages from Australia’s political leaders at the recent Guild Parliament House dinner. Here’s a selection of 10 key messages: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Since …

Pharmacy saw a stoush between the PSA and the SHPA, and CWH went head-to-head with the Guild over location rules Early in the week, the PSA slammed statements in the …

Pharmacist and Labor Member for Dobell Emma McBride has used her work at Wyong Hospital and ties with the community to highlight the issues of unemployment, poor infrastructure and social …

She reaffirmed her commitment to help improve healthcare and support pharmacy Emma McBride, who is Labor’s MP for Dobell in northern NSW, addressed Pharmacy Connect conference attendees at the opening plenary …