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employee pharmacists

There’s no doubt wages for pharmacists have become dismal – to the point where many are considering leaving the profession But what can be done about it? AJP ran a …

Wages for pharmacists are a source of significant tension in the industry – but what would be the best way to improve them? One of the strongest themes emerging from …

Across the country pharmacists are doing it tough, with low (and dropping) wages a key theme emerging in submissions to the King Review At PSA16, Lance Emerson announced that, “Pharmacist …

Professor Stephen King and the pharmacists’ union are urging employee pharmacists to make a submission to the King Review The Chair of the Federal Government’s Review into Pharmacy Remuneration and …

AJP’s comments boards have been running hot this week, as the issue of employee pharmacist pay came to the fore First, we reported on the Fair Work Commission’s looming decision …

The pharmacists’ union has today welcomed the Pharmacy Guild’s support for a coherent pharmacy workforce strategy. “David Quilty’s recent statement to pharmacy owners outlining concern about low pay is a …

‘Business as usual’ is not an option when it comes to the future of pharmacy, says PPA, in welcoming the King Review discussion paper. CEO Chris Walton says that PPA …

A Fair Work Commission decision to grant Victoria’s paramedics a significant pay rise reveals a pathway for community pharmacists to make similar inroads in their campaign to lift pay, says …

National Pharmacies says it assures its members and customers that proposed industrial action by its pharmacists will not affect services. A spokesperson for the company says National is disappointed that …

Pharmacists employed by National Pharmacies are set to strike from tomorrow (Christmas Eve), amid tensions over the Productivity Commission’s recommendation Sunday penalty rates for retail workers be rolled back. This …

The Productivity Commission has delivered its assessment into Australia’s workplace relations framework calling for a reduction in Sunday penalty rates – calls which mirror the Pharmacy Guild’s campaign to reduce …

PPA President, Dr Geoff March welcomed the announcement of pharmacy remuneration and regulation review panellists as an opportunity for employee pharmacists to shape the future of pharmacy. “Last night, the …