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Glenn Guilfoyle

What should you be asking when considering joining, changing or leaving a banner group?  Choosing which franchise is the right fit for a pharmacy is one of the most critical …

Participation in the COVID-19 vax program created workflow issues for many pharmacies. Jenny Blair from The Next Level says the forward pharmacy model is a solution to the problem As …

Finding an emotional connection with the patient offers the opportunity to move beyond a transactional interaction, says Glenn Guilfoyle      Selling features-advantages-benefits has been around since Noah came off …

Community pharmacies must pay more attention to the amount of time patients spend in queues, says Glenn Guilfoyle Regardless of all the latest retail pharmacy challenges and opportunities: electronic prescriptions, …

Do you feel claustrophobic in your own pharmacy? If you’ve too much clutter, you can be sure that patients will, and the cost will be felt to your professional standing, …

Linking your forward pharmacy service model to your rostering and to your commercial target setting. Glenn Guilfoyle explains why it’s essential, and how to do it Linking your forward pharmacy …

How to increase your profile as a ‘beacon’ pharmacy for women’s health? Glenn Guilfoyle provides some tips So you are looking to increase your pharmacy’s women’s health profile, and become …

Is there a way to turn off the dispensary vortex vacuum? Glenn Guilfoyle thinks so “Mary” (a pseudonym ) is employed as a “forward” pharmacist at Upper Utopia West Pharmacy …

Counter configuration versus service specialisation: a critical pharmacy juggling act, says Glenn Guilfoyle From the myriad compromises and juggling acts we see pharmacists and their teams needing to live with, …