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Price disclosure changes not as bad as they seem on paper: experts The latest listed changes to the PBS represent a ‘watering down’ of previous heavy discounts, say experts as …

Major government investments in pharmacy come under question in federal parliament A couple of key pharmacy funding programs have been raised in recent Senate estimates hearings, and have prompted a …

“Certainty and stability” ensured, Guild believes as bill passes both houses   The National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits – Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2017 has now passed through the Senate, …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has emerged again as one of the biggest political donors among healthcare stakeholders Recently released figures from the Australian Electoral Commission reveal that the Guild …

There are questions about some of the evidence presented to the Senate committee hearing into the effects of red tape on pharmacy rules, says Anthony Tassone   Evidence presented by Michael Rhodes …

Same-sex marriage debate puts the kibosh on annual Guild dinner The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual Parliament House dinner has become an unwitting collateral victim of the debate over same …

Calls for supply chain guarantees as another pharma company decides to explore direct distribution to pharmacy The National Pharmaceutical Services Association (NPSA) is calling for the Federal Government to ensure …

He is the self-described Allan Langer of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Queensland branch, but Tim Logan has successfully steered another Banana state success story for over a decade. For …

Queensland Guild elects new branch president North Queensland pharmacist Trent Twomey is the new President of the Queensland branch of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, with results from the recent …

Our list of rising stars of pharmacy has highlighted those making “significant contributions” to the profession AJP’s first ever list of the 10 Rising Stars of Pharmacy, as voted by our …

Misinformation is muddying the waters around the Guild’s proposals for continued pharmacist provision of codeine-containing medicines, says Anthony Tassone Concern over the impact on patients of the upcoming rescheduling of …

What drives a pharmacist to seek Guild elective office? Amanda Seeto says she wants to advocate on behalf of her peers and give all pharmacies a chance to survive and …