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A labelling problem has seen Seqirus undertake a product defect correction over one batch of Palexia The TGA has advised consumers and health professionals that in consultation with the TGA, …

As part of its commitment to the safe and quality use of medicines, the PSA recently convened meetings to discuss improvements in the labelling and counselling for antibiotics and opioids …

People with low vision can often struggle with reading medicine information on labels, which can lead to incorrect use Studies show that people with limited vision find managing their medication …

How will the new medicine-labelling requirements improve customer compliance and understanding? asks Michael De Bari Prescription dispensing has gone unchanged for decades in Australia. Now, the Australian Federal Government, through its …

Life would be so much easier—and safer—if drug packaging was designed with pharmacists in mind, writes Angelo Pricolo Sometimes we walk around the dispensary looking at things and wonder why …

Label warnings on the possible cardiovascular risk of ADHD medications are inconsistent and ambiguous, say experts  Product labelling warning of the cardiovascular risks of ADHD medication is inconsistent, say researchers …

The ABC’s The Checkout has again taken aim at pharmacy in a piece examining cold and flu remedies which one pharmacist says is timely, given scrutiny on the profession from …

The Australian Self Medication Industry has welcomed publication of the new Therapeutic Goods Order, marking the conclusion of the TGA’s medicines labelling review “We greatly appreciate the TGA’s inclusive, collaborative …