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medication management

The pharmacist is a key part of the multidisciplinary team caring for a patient that has been diagnosed with a form of arrhythmia requiring pharmacological treatment.   By Chrysa Giannellis, …

Medication management platform, MedAdvisor’s acquisition of GuildLink is bearing fruit with the former Guild Group subsidiary making a significant contribution to the firm’s revenue growth.   Announcing its 2023 financial …

Healthcare IT services provider, StrongRoom AI’s medication management platform, Strong Care, is in line for two Victorian Premier’s Design Awards.  The artificial intelligence (AI) driven product was designed to improve …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Effect of Antihypertensive Medication Reduction vs Usual Care on Short-term Blood Pressure Control in Patients With Hypertension Aged 80 Years and …

The controversial optional $1 discount is set to stay, as more details of the newly signed 7CPA begin to emerge Health Minister Greg Hunt has lauded the signing of the …

What is it like working in a multi-disciplinary aged care team? AJP speaks with four different pharmacists making a difference on the ground Richard Thorpe Richard is Australia’s first ever …

PM promises over $25 million to improve medication management programs in response to Aged Care Royal Commission’s Interim Report The Federal Government will deliver a $537 million funding package to …

A new study has looked at how pharmacy delivery of comprehensive medication management can help improve the carers’ work life The study, published in the Journal of the American Board …

Current evidence for any clinical benefit from medication management apps and sensors is limited, experts say  The use of medication apps in clinical practice is hindered by a lack of …

A letter to the Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care prompted a meeting about challenges being faced by pharmacies who provide residential aged care services This month, Webstercare welcomed …

Parents typically manage their children’s medication, but kids’ limited involvement may become problematic as they grow older, say researchers The number of children diagnosed with chronic health conditions is increasing …

The Royal Commission into aged care has included medication management in its terms of reference, a move welcomed by the PSA The Commissioners, Justice Joseph McGrath and Ms Lynelle Briggs …