Posts in tag

mental health

This World Mental Health Day, it is vital we advocate for no plebiscite in a bid to protect good mental health for all, says Public Health Association of Australia CEO …

Mental health issues often don’t occur in isolation, writes Ben Basger There are challenges when dealing with mental health patients. Responses from such patients may differ from other types of …

How do you look after yourself, your colleagues and staff? Pressure seems to be mounting on all sides in the pharmacy space, for both owners and employees. It is important …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Systematic Review of Errors in Inhaler Use: Has Patient Technique Improved Over Time? A systematic search for articles reporting direct observation …

Evaluation of the drug is much needed as some clinics offer repeated dosage without evidence of safety, says professor The largest randomised double-blind trial to evaluate the effectiveness of ketamine …

Being named Guild Pharmacy of the Year has helped to cement the culture of excellence at Pharmacy 777 at Nollamara in Western Australia, its owner says. According to proprietor Swarup …

The TGA has issued a reminder to health professionals about the potential risks of psychiatric adverse risks associated with isotretinoin (Roaccutane) and the need for careful psychological assessment before and …

“Social prescribing” of activities like cooking or gardening has failed to improve patient health or cut GP visits, a pilot scheme evaluation has found. Pulsetoday reports that the study examined …

Pharmacy does have a vital, and needed role in mental health care, Guild argues There is demand and need for community pharmacy to play a vital role in mental health …

Researchers following the progress of 1,200 people for five years have found strong links between unhealthy lifestyles and depression. Researchers at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research …

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has voiced concerns about community pharmacists providing mental health services Dr Louise Roufeil, Executive Manager Professional Practice at the APS, has submitted a letter in …

Stakeholders have welcomed commitments from major parties to invest in Australia’s mental health. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced that, if re-elected, his Government would invest $192 million to help …