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mental health

The increasing roles that pharmacists and their national associations are taking in mental health care are illustrated in a new document from the International Pharmaceutical Federation. “Focus on mental health: …

More than 20 health organisations have written to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to protest the impact of current processing policies on asylum seekers’ mental health. “We are writing regarding the …

This Mental Health Week, the Heart Foundation is highlighting the wider health benefits of nature-based physical activity, including hiking and bushwalking among other activities. National Heart Foundation CEO, Mary Barry, …

Queensland’s Aboriginal and Islander community-controlled health organisations have called for greater coordination in the funding and delivery of mental health services. At the start of Mental Health Week, the sector’s …

In 2015 Mental Health Week runs from 4th to 10th October with World Mental Health Day occurring on Saturday 10th October, and the Pharmacists’ Support Service is encouraging pharmacists to …

Pharmacists need to gain competency in mental health care: whether they’re ready or not, writes Shanae Hancey. Pharmacists are in a unique primary health care position, with the accessibility of …

Pharmacy cognitive services are a vital part of providing help for people with dementia and their carers, says Jon Kontopos, CEO of Dementia Caring. Speaking during Dementia Awareness Month (September), …

Mindfulness can make a huge difference to pharmacy practice, says Dr Craig Hassed, senior lecturer, department of general practice, Monash University. Monash University pharmacy and medicine students undertake a mandatory …

New research has shown for the first time that the part of the brain used for learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people with unhealthy diets (a Western …

Dementia should not be considered to be an inevitable and normal part of ageing, writes Louis Roller.   “I’m just wandering, I think of things and then they go away …

Suicide prevention organisation R U OK? is calling on Australia to take a global lead in preventing suicide by making more effort to have regular, meaningful conversations with anyone who …

Overall, young people are doing well, according to new data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: rates for smoking, single-occasion risky drinking and illicit drug use are decreasing. …