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My Health Record

The Australian Digital Health Agency has released new data showing that the number of pharmacies signed up to My Health record has skyrocketed According to the Agency, as at April …

PDL has issued guidance on the use of My Health Record, including on privacy, consent and emergency access With the participation rate in MHR ranked as 90.1% by the Government …

Inter-professional collaboration, inadequate management of S8s and the movement of key industry figures all made the news this week… Another stakeholder body lost a key figure this week as Graham …

The Australian Digital Health Agency and PSA have welcomed the news that nine out of 10 Australians will have a My Health Record But Opposition health spokesperson Catherine King says …

A day before the end of the My Health Record opt-out period, Shadow Health Minister Catherine King again called for its extension Catherine King has repeatedly called on the Morrison …

The Australian Digital Health Agency has highlighted that anyone can choose to have or delete a My Health Record at any time in their life, as the number of connected …

Politics have played a strong role in this week’s events in the pharmacy sector… In employment news, Professional Pharmacists Australia told us that wage theft was ‘rampant‘ and urged the …

The Australian Parliament has passed a second round of protections to strengthen privacy for My Health Record On Monday the Australian Digital Health Agency announced that the Federal Parliament had …

Instead of ending on Thursday it will now end on 31 January 2019 The My Health Record opt-out date has been shifted from the 15 November 2018 to 31 January …

As the opt-out cutoff for My Health Record looms, PSA’s Shane Jackson has featured in a video arguing for the benefits of the system The Senate has now called on …

A lot can happen in just one week in Australia’s pharmacy sector… This week, AHPRA released its annual report and we got a look at the notification figures: only 6% …

The government will be introducing further amendments to MHR, including protections for people fleeing domestic violence and tougher penalties for misuse Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced the government will …