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Pharmacy has been delivered a massive blow with 60-day dispensing, however there were some minor wins in the federal budget. Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies looks at the key points   …

NSW’s newly elected government is being urged to show its commitment to healthcare by funding pharmacists to administer vaccinations under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)  High-risk patients in NSW who …

Tasmanian pharmacists will now be able to vaccinate children aged five and up – but pharmacists say more can be done The Rockliff Government’s has moved to allow pharmacists to …

A new pilot will see certain regional pharmacies provide over-65s with flu jabs on the NIP More than 70 community pharmacies in Queensland have been invited to give National Immunisation …

The Tasmanian Government has announced that NIP-funded flu jabs will be available through community pharmacy The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Tasmanian Branch says it welcomes the state Government’s announcement that …

Community pharmacies in South Australia will be able to provide flu vaccination under the NIP this year The Pharmacy Guild (SA Branch) has welcomed the state Government’s decision to include …

Government to consider expanding NIP access to community pharmacies in South Australia The South Australian government will establish an expert advisory group to consider expanding distribution of National Immunisation Program …

Community pharmacies receive support from NSW Minister for Health on NIP access NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard has indicated his support for community pharmacy access to vaccines under the …

Another leading pharmacist has called for wider availability of NIP flu vaccines from pharmacies David Heffernan, president of the Pharmacy Guild’s NSW Branch, spoke out in local media over the …

A group of community pharmacists is calling for changes from Federal and State governments regarding PPE needs, the CSO, financial relief, NIP access and more The demand for community pharmacy …

Doctors are urging patients to have their flu vaccines earlier than usual this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners said on Tuesday that …

Flu vaccines have been expanded under the NIP, with free vaccines for more children and a quadrivalent for seniors added – but in most jurisdictions, pharmacy still has no NIP …