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Pharmacist Emma McBride retained her lower house seat with an increased majority at last weekend’s Federal election Ms McBride retained the NSW central coast seat of Dobell with a swing …

Federal Parliamentarians thanked pharmacists and staff for their efforts, while directing criticism at the government’s handling of COVID programs A number of opposition MPs have spoken in praise of the …

Regional pharmacies lauded for their work, as MP congratulates Guild and other retailers for their commitment to community health MPs have stated their acknowledgment of the work of pharmacists in …

MPs question the remuneration offered to pharmacy for COVID vax, and why the profession was excluded for so long, while offering thanks for making vax rates “skyrocket”   Federal parliamentarians have …

Mixed views over medicine substitution by pharmacists as Parliament debates TGA amendment bill There have been divergences of opinions expressed in Federal Parliament about the substitution of medicines by pharmacists …

Thousands of pharmacy and other retail jobs at risk from Jobseeker cuts as businesses and employees are set to suffer financially, MPs tell Parliament Federal parliamentarians have debated the impact …

December 1970: Pharmacy is set to face “astounding assertions” and “freak facts” at a parliamentary inquiry “Most of our leaders are agreed that pharmacy is headed for one of its …

Pharmacy and other health professions have a ‘metrocentric maldistribution’, Parliament is told as MPs debate health inequities  There were mixed messages from parliamentarian health professionals this week as the House …

Federal politicians have thanked pharmacists for their pandemic efforts, but questions remain over protective preparedness The first new sittings of Federal Parliament have sent parliamentarians thank pharmacists and other front-line …

Government questioned over medicine deliveries during times of crisis, with coronavirus and fuel supply raised as issues   Federal Parliament has heard a number of calls for action to protect the …

Outer suburbs petition Parliament to advise Minister on using location rule discretionary power Federal Parliament has heard a petition from the citizens of some outer Sydney suburbs claiming pharmacy location …

Questions were raised in Parliament this week about Australia’s medicines safety system and the role of pharmacists   Australia needs to “get real on medicine safety”, Federal Parliament heard this week. …