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Call for Federal, State and Territory governments to work together to promote pharmacists’ role, and ‘nurture’ the 5700-strong community pharmacy network The PBS is a strong system of universal access …

NSW minister highlights pharmacist role but says supportive regulations need to be made, while panellist points out lack of remuneration “I am one of the biggest fans of pharmacists,” said …

The Pharmacy Guild has condemned a News Corp article which stated that remuneration to pharmacies is just for “chemists to stick a label on drugs” A Herald Sun article by …

What do the paths look like for community pharmacists, and how would they get paid for these? At PSA19 in Sydney over the weekend, Emeritus Professor Charlie Benrimoj gave a …

Pharmacists are saying it’s not possible to multitask professional services alongside dispensing and counselling, according to researcher Preliminary research shows providing professional services is a different role altogether to the …

How many pharmacies provide immunisations? Do pharmacists earn more if they specialise in services? Do owners support pharmacists’ roles expanding? Here’s 10 key findings from the 2018 UTS Pharmacy Barometer  …

Will pharmacists be looking outside the CPA for remuneration and funding opportunities? This is exactly what the PSA is calling for There is a strong desire among pharmacists in all …

There is a “very, very big gap in the payment model” for professional pharmacy services, says Trent Twomey Mr Twomey, Pharmacy Guild Queensland branch president, was speaking at a State …

“The majority of owners want to pay their staff more”: What are the Guild’s objectives for the 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement? What do rank and file Guild members want? A …

Pharmacists need freedom to operate professionally without pressure, says FIP’s outgoing president Dr Carmen Peña, President of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), said in opening the 78th World Congress of …

Government funding essential if pharmacy COPD screening is to be sustainable, as fears remain over charging patients   While a number of clinical trials have revealed the efficacy of pharmacist-led COPD …

The Guild is advocating to address issues facing rural pharmacy, such as one-size-fits-all remuneration Writing in Pharmacy Guild newsletter Forefront, executive director David Quilty has outlined some of the issues …