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Pharmacy needs to remove roadblocks such as the schedule of some medicines in order to pave the way for Terry White member success, says the group’s CEO, Anthony White. Funding …

Two days ago, we reported on the PSA16 panel session examining pay rates for pharmacists, which PSA CEO Lance Emerson called “the single largest issue facing the profession in community …

PSA16’s panel discussion on improving pharmacists’ remuneration acknowledged widespread concerns in the industry Employees are worried about pharmacist wages, said PSA CEO Dr Lance Emerson in opening the panel discussion …

Are you keen to expand your role—or worried about workload and pay? Last week, the Grattan Institute’s Dr Stephen Duckett said that using pharmacists’ skills to take the pressure off …

Pharmacy Guild executive director David Quilty has written to the editor of The Weekend Australian, following claims banks could change pharmacy lending behaviour as a result of the long-awaited King …

Pharmacists worried about what a late running report may recommend Four out of five community pharmacists have concerns about or fear disaster from the recommendations of the overdue draft report …

The Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation is due to release its initial discussion paper this month Community pharmacy is still waiting for the release of the Review of Pharmacy remuneration …

Pharmacies are facing unprecedented problems supplying new hepatitis C treatments to patients, says Guild executive director David Quilty— and they need to be fixed urgently. In this week’s edition of …

Pharmacists are some of America’s highest-paid professionals, according to Glassdoor’s report on the 25 highest-paid jobs in America. Physicians were taking home the highest salaries, with a median base salary …

A Fair Work Commission decision to grant Victoria’s paramedics a significant pay rise reveals a pathway for community pharmacists to make similar inroads in their campaign to lift pay, says …

You must be compared to other retailers, review chief tells pharmacists The federal government’s ongoing review of pharmacy remuneration and regulation must consider community pharmacies as retail outlets, its chairman …

Pharmacy groups in England are threatening legal action over proposed funding cuts, Chemist + Druggist (C+D) reports. Legal firm, Charles Russell Speechlys, representing at least eight pharmacy groups has written to England’s pharmacy minister Alistair …