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unfair dismissal

Pharmacy staff member who lost job after refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine has unfair dismissal application dismissed The naturopath was employed by a Western Australian pharmacy when public health …

Pharmacy staff member loses unfair dismissal application On 30 June, a former pharmacy staff member lodged an application asserting that the termination of her employment at a Melbourne pharmacy on …

Pharmacist criticised after losing unfair dismissal case, with Commission finding in favour of the pharmacy employer A pharmacist who claimed she was unfairly dismissed has lost her application before the …

The pharmacist union has lodged legal action against National Pharmacies Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) has lodged legal action against National Pharmacies, according to a statement on PPA’s website. The legal …

A pharmacist made an unfair dismissal complaint after he was fired for allegedly “sculling” leftover medicine… but he left it too late In early September 2018, the pharmacist’s employment at …