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Threats of escalation as years-long Royal Hobart Hospital dispute remains unresolved, says HACSU The Tasmanian government is facing union accusations of failing to settle a long-identified significant underpayment of hospital …

Union claims “up to $10 million” shortfall to 1000 Certificate III pharmacy assistants The shop assistant’s union has taken four Chemist Warehouse pharmacy franchisees – including three of its co-founders …

With the ‘carrot’ of protecting workers’ rights failing to attract new members, some unions want a ‘stick’ to coax employees who benefit from pay deals into joining their organisations Union …

Anthony Tassone refutes article that labels the Guild and AMA as Australia’s “biggest, ugliest and most militant unions”  A recent article in The Spectator by Stephen Spartacus asked, “Who benefits …

High dispensing rates, customer abuse, store cleaning… what are your rights to a healthy and safe pharmacy workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic? Pharmacy employers have a legal obligation to provide …

The pharmacist union has lodged legal action against National Pharmacies Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) has lodged legal action against National Pharmacies, according to a statement on PPA’s website. The legal …

HPS Services has signed a new enterprise agreement that secures “improved conditions” for its pharmacist employees, including paid parental leave for the first time The Fair Work Commission has approved …

The ALP has promised to create a “small claims jurisdiction” making it easier to recover lost wages up to $100,000 if it wins this Federal election, says pharmacists’ union Labor …

Epic only moved on a new parental leave deal because of employee pharmacist pressure, argues union PPA has responded to the Epic pharmacy announcement of its new leave entitlement deal, …

The Fair Work Commission has rejected raising the pharmacist award based on overall workload, but accepted other grounds such as HMRs and vaccinations for increased remuneration This year the pharmacists’ …

Pharmacist roles have increased in responsibility and complexity, yet their wages and conditions do not reflect this, argues the pharmacists’ union Recently hospital pharmacists in the ACT secured commitments to …

Minister granted the right to intervene in pharmacy award dispute The Western Australian government has been granted the right to intervene in an ongoing dispute between Chemist Warehouse and the …