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voluntary assisted dying

Here’s what to expect in 2023, write Lindy Willmott, Ben White and Katrine Del Villar from the Queensland University of Technology By the end of 2023, eligible people in all …

As Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws are set to come into effect, the AMA’s WA branch is warning that VAD could facilitate murder From Wednesday 19 June 2019, Victorians with …

The Alfred Hospital’s pharmacy service will become the sole site for storing and dispensing voluntary assisted dying medications across Victoria In late 2017 Victoria’s Parliament passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying …

What is Victoria’s controversial Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation, and how will it impact on pharmacists?  One of the more controversial pieces of legislation in Australian history was passed in Victoria …

Debate about Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation is dividing the country… but what do pharmacists think? Victoria’s controversial Voluntary Assisted Dying bill – which would introduce legislation that would be …

The Government won’t facilitate the approval of lethal medicines used in voluntary assisted dying, the Health Minister says And a spokesperson for the Pharmacy Guild says that the key word …