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The federal government committed substantial funding to aged care in the recent Budget, but questions have been raised over the efficacy of some of its proposals, says Gerard Stevens    …

Webstercare’s new website aims to enhance the experience of both pharmacy and aged care clients  Medication management industry leader Webstercare has launched it’s new website  with “cutting-edge content to enhance …

Webstercare recognised as one of AFR’s top 10 most innovative health companies Webstercare has been recognised as one of the leading innovative health companies across Australia and New Zealand, coming …

Pharmacists have an opportunity to reinforce their role as the community’s medication experts during Be Medicinewise Week, says Webstercare head This year, NPS MedicineWise has chosen to focus on the …

People with low vision can often struggle with reading medicine information on labels, which can lead to incorrect use Studies show that people with limited vision find managing their medication …

Communication between the pharmacist, prescriber and aged care staff is a high-risk area for medication errors, says Webstercare’s Gerard Stevens On Tuesday AJP looked at a study by Monash University researchers recently …

The designer of RxMedChart calls for accurate medication profiles and appropriate remuneration for pharmacists Webstercare’s submission to the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation says it hopes the outcome of …